yes. seymour stein spoke in the morning and was completely entertaining. the room cheered loudly with the mention of the ramones which was a joy to hear. seymour then said that if anyone did not know of the ramones they are to leave the room. he was kidding im sure, but judging by the crowd response, there was no one leaving the room. only very slight response for the talking heads, blondie, television, the pretenders, climax blues band, echo and the bunnymen, madness and the deviants. the only other band that the room cheered loudly for were the dead boys. motorhead were added late to sxsw, but still able to pack the huge outdoor venue. maybe not a band to be considered power pop, but a fine rock n roll band for sure. the nights highlight for me as seeing hanson sing absolutely perfect 3 part harmonies then walk a few blocks to see the cowsills perform of the the most exciting shows ive ever seen. an odd setting as they were playing in a church and susan slipped by saying sh*t which evoked some laughs. everyone i heard leave at the conclusion of the show was totally as blown away as i was with the sheer talent of the cowsills. looking forward to seeing paul collins beat saturday too. austin is one of the best and coolest music towns i have ever been to. i hope to discover a couple bands i have never heard of while here. there is a j-pop event friday featuring petty booka and ketchup mania which should also be fun. some great punk bands are here this year too including naked raygun, channel 3, the meatmen, the dicks and not really punk, but still worthy of mention, the supersuckers. so many bands here, just a wonderful vibe in austin. i would love to hear a great power pop band, oh wait, paul collins beat! how great thou art. On Mar 13, 2008, at 7:28 PM, crothers wrote: > Anyone go this year? > > My friends The Explorers Club went for a couple of shows. Anyone > catch them? > ====================================================================== > = > Detailed Audities-List information:> > To manage your Audities List settings or unsubscribe: >