Hey All, Back in '03, I ripped my 2 vinyl albums and one 45rpm EP from Philly power/punk/pop group The A's to CD-R and sent them off to a handful of Auditeers (Bill Holmes, Billy Spradlin, Mark Hershberger and others). It was my first attempt at digitizing vinyl. Now that I look back on the effort, and I've been listening to the disc regularly since then, I give myself a grade of, eh, B-. In other words, I've learned a lot, the software's better, and I'd do a much better job if I had to do it over. I should have spent the money on better source vinyl, for one thing, instead of relying on my own well-played albums. Anyway, I just fairly recently learned that The A's themselves have released a "The Best of the A's" CD and it contains 17 of what they deem to be their best songs plus a bonus cut that I'm not familiar with, all remastered and stuff. Right now it's sold out, but you can get on the list for the next pressing. I'm sure there'll be one because the first one sold out quickly. They did a Thanksgiving Reunion show with The Hooters last November and the first pressing is gone. I didn't find out about it until late December. Here it is March and I'm just letting you all know. Sorry about that. Here's the link below. It's guitarist Rick DiFonzo's site. I already ordered a poster and some pins and the service was excellent, he was very generous. If I were to compile my Top Twenty list, The A's would be near the top. A bit of a stretch, but I'd have to include them. If anyone on the list would like a 128kbps mp3 of their biggest hit "A Woman's Got the Power", I'll be glad to send it along. Or, I'll post it to The Pop Underground google site once we're up and running. I'm keeping it low bit-rate to keep the file size low. I don't think the band would mind at all. It may even encourage a few new album sales. The first single from their debut s/t album was called "After Last Night". Trivia: Clarence Clemons covered "A Woman's Got the Power" and the video they made in support of the single included one of Bruce's first video cameo's ever. I also just recently learned that the song's been remade into a drag queen disco anthem, played by drag queens on the catwalk/stage as they do that drag queen strut. Can you dig it? jeff teez http://nukefizz.com/store/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=22