----- Original Message ----- From: "floatingunder" > We are flying out to NY around that time too. My wife, daughter and > I > all will be going. The show is the main reason we are going to NY > for > vacation. Oh, and the Grease show per my daughter. All of us are > Stew > fans but as huge of a fan as I am, my wife has been the driving > force > to make sure we don't miss it. Ditto to the "can't wait"! My wife and I go to a folk music festival near Albany every June. The show had just started Off-Broadway last year, and as we were driving back into the Berkshires that Sunday afternoon, we seriously discussed detouring down to Manhattan and trying to score tickets for that night's performance. Only the fact that we'd already made dinner plans with Charity's cousin in Northampton dissauded us, and even then, at one point Charity had her cellphone out and was getting ready to call and make regrets. S