>>Someone posted about the Replacements CD reissues described on the Pitchfork website. While there, I saw mention of a book called "All Over But The Shouting." Can >>anyone give it a thumbs up or down? Bill and any other Replacements fans, definitely pick this book up. I've just finished reading it, and it made me go back and listen to a bunch of their albums that I haven't touched in a long time. And if you also like REM, you'll find some great quotes from Peter Buck. I Will Dare still sounds timeless and classic all these years later. >----- ------- Original Message ------- ----- >From: :audities@smoe.org >To: audities@smoe.org >Sent: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 05:48:39 > >Wow - I go away for a week and return to a whole >lotta digests... Time to catch up! > >Jeff T. wrote: >> I'd be pleased as punch to run into Mr. >Partridge in the Deli section. And I'd damn sure >have to run out and tell everyone about it soon >thereafter! I think a U.S. equivalent might be >something like "I bumped into Lou Reed at the >pharmacy today" > >Like someone else wrote here, I saw Lou and Laurie >Anderson dining together, while I was at the Grange >Hall for brunch in NYC's West Village. But like >the other poster on this list, I felt it was best >to not interrupt them. > >As for musical celeb encounters, I think I've >already told the story about meeting Bo Diddley on >a plane several years ago. And if Steve Durben >wants to call himself a dunce, I'll definitely >one-up him with this... > >As I walked down the aisle of the plan, I >recognized Bo right away, sitting 2 rows ahead of >my assigned seat. While the guy across the aisle >from him gushed about I'm a Man, I looked for a >place to store my bag. As I opened one overhead >bin to find a guitar case lookin' back at me, I >glanced over at Bo, and saw that he was keeping a >watchful eye on it. I pointed at it and said, "So >I guess that's Lucille, eh?" He got a puzzled look >on his face for a second, then chuckled and shook >his head laughing, and said, "No man, that's B.B. >King." I shrunk deep into my seat... And later >chatted with him after the flight, as he kindly >obliged this idiot with an autograph. > >I also met the Goo Goo Dolls (pre-"Name") before a >show at CBGB's. A friend of mine knew them from >his days at Buffalo State, and I just remember >hangin' in their van out in front of the club, >enjoying a few Rolling Rocks. Johnny and Robbie >both seemed like really nice guys - maybe cuz they >shared their beer... > >Someone posted about the Replacements CD reissues >described on the Pitchfork website. While there, I >saw mention of a book called "All Over But The >Shouting." Can anyone give it a thumbs up or down? > > >I saw the Fountains of Wayne last summer at >Baltimore's Virgin Festival, where they had the >opening slot. If these guys were disinterested, >they sure fooled me. They played a great set, and >were very engaging. Many people, including myself, >were surprised that they chose not to play Stacey's >Mom at a huge event like this. A good show, >regardless. > >On that same day, I also saw performances by The >Police and Amy Winehouse. Funny how all of them >are being discussed here lately... > >I was psyched to see The Police, as I loved their >albums (except not so much Synchronicity), and >really enjoyed the Ghost in the Machine tour with >The Go-Go's way back when. But for some reason, >they just didn't do it for me that evening, even >though I managed to get within 20 feet of the >stage. I blame Sting, but not sure why. > >As for Amy Winehouse, I didn't really know her at >the time of the show, but was impressed with her >voice. I'm surprised at the number of people who >feel that she won the Grammy due to her notoriety >and drug problems. Since so many of us on this >list *really* enjoy her music, is it that hard to >believe that the voters chose her for the same >reason? Oh yeah, I forgot. This is the Grammys >we're talking about... > >As for big-ticket shows, I don't even wanna say how >much I'm paying to take my nephew to go see Van >Halen in 3 weeks. I sure hope they're delivering >the goods. > >Be seeing you, >Bill >___________________________________________________ >__________ >Click for top financial advice. Reduce debt & >save for retirement. >http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL2121/fc/Ioyw6i3 >m2fncxvx1oqIlATdeDClGQuopGfc6xVuDEcQ8zOLSOLlOnP/