awesome :) On Fri, 15 Feb 2008, bob wrote: > "The only artist I've ever paid triple figures to see live was Paul > McCartney. It wasn't actually that great, but I am glad I went." > > I had a dear friend in LA that was a very hot PR woman at one of the major labels. She had an amazing house in Laurel, a Maserati, (which she let me borrow occasionally), and a wicked sense of humour AND she was smart as a whip. > One day, I'm over at her house and for whatever reason, we went into her bedroom and there was a framed brass plaque over the bed that read, > I Fucked Paul McCartney On This Bed > August 1966 > Dutifully impressed, I asked her, "Was he good?", to which she replied, "Nah...but Fuck man, IT WAS PAUL MCCARTNEY!!! > And we laughed and laughed... > > bob > > > > Benjamin Lukoff wrote: > On Thu, 14 Feb 2008, Stewart Mason wrote: > > > See, at my not-all-THAT-advanced age, I can't imagine a single artist > > that I would pay triple figures to see live. Literally, not a single > > one. Of course, the last show I saw at a venue bigger than my high > > school auditorium was U2 at Red Rocks on the WAR tour, so there you > > go. > > The only artist I've ever paid triple figures to see live was Paul > McCartney. It wasn't actually that great, but I am glad I went. > > When I was working at Amazon I got free tickets to some shows that would > have been three figures if I'd paid for them: the Police and the Rolling > Stones. (Dixie Chicks, too, but the seats weren't that great.) Police, > meh. Stones, on the other hand, was a great show. Now, worth $350? > Probably not. But I might have paid $100 out of pocket and not gone away > disappointed. > > What really gets me is Neil Young thinking he can get away with charging > $100... > > > > >