This was a track recorded by Micky before joining The Monkees; whatever label owned the master issued it as a single at the height of Monkeemania to cash in.? Another Dolenz track called "Huff Puff" was also issued as a separate single. I'm pretty sure those were the only solo Monkee singles to get any action while the group was together.? Davy had done a (terrible) album before becoming a Monkee, and Michael Nesmith had recorded and released a few singles, but those were (I think) all owned by the Colpix/Colgems labels; Colgems, of course, didn't need to dig anything outta the vault to cash in on The Monkees, since it was already cashing in with new LPs and singles by the group. Nesmith also released an instrumental album, The Wichita Train Whistle Sings, featuring session musicians playing under his direction. This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio with Dana & Carl, Sunday nights from 9 to Midnight at -----Original Message----- From: Drew MacDonald To: Sent: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 10:54 am Subject: Re: Who needed records in the 60's - we had Top 40 radio > > 53. Don't Do It - Mickey Dolenz -- > Huh. I didn't know about this. Did other Monkees have solo singles around this time? Drew ________________________________________________________________________ More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! -