Wonkette.com? They make fun of everyone, but then link you to real stories.... Drew MacDonald wrote: >Nothing to do with pop, so I'll make this quick: > >Now that the Huffington Post has devolved into an adjunct to a specific >presidental campaign, I need a new politics-&-media link dump. Is there any >other portal out there with a left-of-center yet truly nonpartisan focus to >give me my pundit fix without my having to click around the whole friggin' >Web? > >Anyone with suggestions can contact me off-list, as politics has no place on >Audities. (On the other hand, what's Michael gonna do about it, shut the >place down?! ;-) ) > >Drew >np: Trash Can Sinatras - FEZ > > > -- Ronald Sanchez Director Of A&R Career Records Donovan's Brain