From Roger Joseph Manning, JR... NEW ALBUM OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:OK, this is it folks. I know, I know, I can't believe it either. It's been almost exactly one year in the making. Don't ask me how or why, just know that I wanted to give you the highest end result my abilities and fantasies could offer up at this point in my creative evolution. It's called Catnip Dynamite. It's my latest solo effort and it is scheduled for an official release date of March 19th, 2008. It will once again be coming out on the wonderful Pony Canyon label in Japan. Now for those of you who refuse to play the ridiculously high import price on Amazon, and I can hardly blame you, I'm going to need your help here: Due to circumstances I won't bore you with, I find myself with no home/label for this record either here in the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, etc. So any label suggestions, ideas, contacts you might have on this front would be greatly appreciated. The sooner I get an avenue of release for this new album domestically and abroad, the quicker and more affordable it comes to you. I am so incredibly happy to be sharing this new collection of material with all of you at this time. It is another snapshot lyrically of where my head and heart have been throughout the past year juxtaposed against many musical ideas who's genesis spans the last 20 years or so. There are song ideas on this new album who's roots go back literally as far as 1985. I distinctly remember as 'Van Hagar' had just formed and I was particularly disturbed by this. Anyway, strap yourselves in for another roller coaster ride of sonic and emotional ups and downs and distraction in the greatest sense of the word. If I can aurally assist you in time-traveling out of your own heads for 3-5 minutes and then gently place you back into your day to day driver's seat with a little ecstasy still buzzing around in your heart center, then my mission has been accomplished. Thanks again friends for all of your loyalty and for _________________________________________________________________ Need to know the score, the latest news, or you need your HotmailŪ-get your "fix".