<<>> Here here! Or should I say hear hear see see! <<< I peed next to Vincent D'Onofrio once >>> My bud and I were at a club seeing Marshall Crenshaw in the 80s. We took a BR break in between sets, and there we were at the urinals. The guy next to my friend Bob, looking down, glancing at the awful old earth shoes Bob was wearing, says, "I have shoes like that, I love them!" it was, of course, Marshall hisself. I've only had a few celeb encounters, but good ones - Graham Parker (at dinner), Badfinger minus Pete Ham (at the bar before the sound check before they played this small club in middle of nowhere PA), Burt Bacharach (crossing a street in LA, he returned our greetings with a smile, wave and a nice hello), Julia Roberts (in a second hand clothing store in the Haight, SF), and that girl who was the main character's girlfriend in Wonder Years. Julia was the one that knocked my socks the furthest off my feet...!