First, let me say that I'm not jaded. Although I live in NYC and tend to see famous people on the street pretty regularly, when it's some I admire (Paul McCartney in Union Square for one!) I am absolutely bowled over. I can never bring myself to say anything for fear of making a fool of myself. It's always amazing to me. The first time I came across Lou Reed (who I think is a genius), I called all my music friends afterward. Wow! Lou Reed! Mysterious, dark Lou Reed! Elusive Lou Reed. "How lucky you are to have seen him", they all said. The second time was cool, too. Wow, saw Lou Reed AGAIN! How amazing is that!? Then it happened again. And again. All in downtown Manhattan. And it was summer and Lou was riding his bicycle everywhere, so I'd go into a cafe/restaurant/movie theater and there'd be a bike INSIDE, making it difficult to get in the front door and it would be f$#&ing Lou Reed's f$#@ing bicycle. I'm not making this up! The crazy thing is a told a couple of neighborhood friends this story and, before I could even start the story I mention Lou's name and they just say "ughh, Lou Reed and his bike, that guy is so annoying, he used to seem so cool". It'd be cool to run into Andy Partridge in the supermarket, though. Jeff wrote: UK Matt wrote: Not much of an anecdote but I bumped into Andy Partridge from XTC in the supermarket today and had a brief chat with him. Told him that I enjoy his records, etc. and he said that it made his day. I suspect that it didn't and he really just wanted to do his shopping, but he seemed very friendly and it certainly brightened up my afternoon. To which I reply: Geez Matt, if that's not much of an anecdote in your world, you must have a *very* interesting life :-D. I'd be pleased as punch to run into Mr. Partridge in the Deli section. And I'd damn sure have to run out and tell everyone about it soon thereafter! I think a U.S. equivalent might be something like "I bumped into Lou Reed at the pharmacy today". Nice story, thanks for sharing it. jeff t. (sounding like a fanboy again) ======================================================================= Detailed Audities-List information: To manage your Audities List settings or unsubscribe: --------------------------------- Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.