I didn't join until 1991 or 1992, so I missed out on the first bunch of years, but I've kept all mine since. I did end up getting rid of a bunch of magazines with them on the cover, since moving them three times now was just too much. I've gotten rid off a lot of stuff but I doubt I'll ever get rid of my fanclub "singles" I wish they'd go back to vinyl again. it seems to be trending back to vinyl again. a few bands are starting to do the 'buy vinyl copy of the album, get a free mp3 download of it' lauree On Feb 13, 2008 1:40 AM, garymaher@juno.com wrote: > Amen! The last time I saw R.E.M., I sat in like the 4th row right behind Mike Mills' brother (who btw looks just like a cleaned up, straight Mike. (I'm just saying.) Nice guy anyway.) > > Plus don't forget the early fan club singles were magnificent and are worth a pretty penny today (if you can bear to sell 'em), and while they're nowhere near as interesting, the annual CD's / DVD's keep on coming. All for $10 a year! > > g -- music http://www.last.fm/user/bluflower/ photos http://flickr.com/photos/bluflower myspace http://www.myspace.com/lauree