--- In audities@yahoogroups.com, bob wrote: > To be honest, I listen to music, I don't watch it, unless I'm going secifically to SEE a show, (Kiss and Alice come to mind there), otherwise, let's hear the music we love by the guys that recorded it, and let's see how good they are...and when the nband is as good or better than their records, THAT'S a good show. See to me THAT type of live show is more about antics then what I'm talking about. Honestly, such a show wouldn't interest me very much. Different strokes. First off, I liked FOW live, I just didn't love them. They sounded great, which to your point is obviously crucial. But, my experience was similar to Stewart's in that the lead seemed (note "seemed" implies my reaction to him not what is) to be plowing through the show, checking off songs in his mind or thinking about the next show on his tour. Maybe road fatigue as you suggested. But, unlike what you say you are looking for, I like shows that somehow offer more or are even just plan "different" then what's on the disc. Something in the person, band shines through. Or at least they seem engaged to the music, the crowd, something. That's at least part of what makes the experience something more then sitting at home listening to them on disc (for me). To say it simply, I like when they "seem" into the moment of the show, however that comes across. (And yes I understand that like me, they have off days for whatever reason and are just going through the motions). I don't know "why" Chris performs the way he does in what "seems" like a rather detached manner. You replied to my lil' post but to be clear, I never said that he disdains the crowd. It could be he's very intellectual in his approach or he's concentrating or he's shy or on and on. I thought they did a great job of sounding like the CD. I hoped for more from a band. And amazingly, much more often then not I'm satisified. So anyway, it's all subjective but that's my take. Oh, for what it's worth, I have seem plenty of shy performers who allowed that to come across and it can be very charming or engaging in it's own way. It's not just about who has the biggest windmill guitar move or highest vertical leap. best, Steve D