----Original Message----- From: Elizabeth Brion To: audities@smoe.org Sent: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 8:28 pm Subject: Re: Vince Gill Wow - that was supposed to make Kanye's head explode? Mr. Segarini, I believe you have a very low opinion of Mr. West's cranial integrity. (Insert smiley-winkey thing here)? ? (Kanye did not actually say he was the #1 entertainer in the world, by the way; he said, while addressing his recently deceased mother, "I know you would want me to keep trying and you'd want me to be the #1 entertainer in the world." I'm not saying he WOULDN'T have claimed to actually be same... but he didn't, really.)? ? I have to confess something. I found the Grammys... entertaining? this year. It was WEIRD. ?I say thee "Word!"? My whole family watched it together, and we found it quite interesting.? My love of Audities pop doesn't prevent me from occasionally digging, y'know...popular music. ? This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio with Dana & Carl, Sunday nights from 9 to Midnight at www.westcottradio.org ________________________________________________________________________ More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! - http://webmail.aol.com