I honestly can't understand all the hatred for Fountains of Wayne on this list! So they don't do drugs (or do they?) appear "strung out"...have tattoos (maybe a Red Dragon Tattoo) all over their arms...overdone make-up to look like washed up porn stars....been thru "Rehab" and brag about it....perform via satellite because they couldn't get a tour visa. Hey; they were nominated for a Grammy in 2004: for Best New Artist. Eight years after their debut album was released! All on the strength of the killer song and video: "Stacy's Mom"! I've seen FOW twice in the past year. No they're not very animated and the lead singer doesn't rule the stage like Jagger or Springsteen. They're sound is unbelievably "tight" in Concert. But they put on FUN Concerts and a "sold out" crowd at 1st Avenue (in Minneapolis) last Summer was dancing and screaming thru the entire show! Didn't see anyone sitting on their hands or appeared to be bored. I get FOW...do you? Don In a message dated 2/12/2008 8:03:31 A.M. Central Standard Time, audities-owner@smoe.org writes: Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 09:41:54 +0000 From: "Matt Whitby" To: audities@smoe.org Subject: Re: FOW Live Message-ID: <1dfd2de0802120141w218976m851874d4f6f0814b@mail.gmail.com> I saw them in London a couple of years back and whilst the music was good and it was great to see them live, i've no great recollection of it being a particularly engaging show. On 12/02/2008, Rick McCall wrote: > Seeing the great fondness for Fountains of Wayne on this list, I recorded a > concert of theirs on SoundStage, which is on the Rave! Channel for satellite > users. Rave is a terrific station for concerts, btw. > > At any rate, I've always liked FoW pretty well, but not enough to play > repeatedly. I've got all their cds, but in all honesty, I've never had them > in heavy rotation. I like Someone To Love, Stacy's Mom (which I hear they > hate), etc. > > Obviously greatly talented group, just doesn't tickle me in exactly the > right spot. > > So I watched this concert and was very surprised. Technically, they were > awesome, as you would expect. The thing that really caught me off guard was > their lack of apparent passion for playing their music. They totally looked > like they were going through the motions, even though the audience looked > like rabid fans. > > Not trying to be hyper-critical, but if I want to hear the music, I put on > the cd; if I go the concert, it is because I want to see the artist. But > after the lifeless show I just witnessed, I'm less likely to pursue them > than I was before I watched. > > They actually reminded me of The Cars in concert and that is not a > compliment. Those guys looked like they were in pain when they played live. > FoW didn't look much more enthusiastic than Ric Ocasek. > > Is that typical or did I catch them on a bad night? Or maybe editing played > a role - there was hardly any banter in between songs and Chris Collingwood > sang every song with the exact same expression on his face, like he could've > been in the room by himself. And horribly bored, at that. > > Am I missing something in regard to their live show or is that typical? > > Best, > Rick **************The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. Go to AOL Music. (http://music.aol.com/grammys?NCID=aolcmp00300000002565)