UK Matt wrote: Not much of an anecdote but I bumped into Andy Partridge from XTC in the supermarket today and had a brief chat with him. Told him that I enjoy his records, etc. and he said that it made his day. I suspect that it didn't and he really just wanted to do his shopping, but he seemed very friendly and it certainly brightened up my afternoon. To which I reply: Geez Matt, if that's not much of an anecdote in your world, you must have a *very* interesting life :-D. I'd be pleased as punch to run into Mr. Partridge in the Deli section. And I'd damn sure have to run out and tell everyone about it soon thereafter! I think a U.S. equivalent might be something like "I bumped into Lou Reed at the pharmacy today". Nice story, thanks for sharing it. jeff t. (sounding like a fanboy again)