Two of my favorite musician quotes regarding drug use are actually related. The first is from David Crosby, I think around the time before he got clean and there were articles predicting his imminent demise. He was still in denial at the time, and said something to the effect that "I was high for every note you've ever heard me sing or play on any record I've ever been on." The other is from Robyn Hitchcock. Asked if the surreal imagery and sounds of his songs were chemically inspired, Robyn replied that he didn't have to take drugs to make his music, "because the Byrds took them for me." Another (unrelated) favorite, this from Paul McCartney. As shown in the archival footage in THE BEATLES ANTHOLOGY, Paul is being interviewed on camera circa 1966, and is asked, "How often have you taken LSD?" He thinks for a moment, then replies, "Four times." That struck me as an oddly direct and specific exchange about such a contentious subject. Drew np: Gram Rabbit - CULTIVATION