> - Michael Coxe, upcoming ex-Audities-List Administrator You know, sadly, this time I believe you. I was offline yesterday, found a full inbox of Auditeer messages this morning but then looked at the subject lines...and that half of the posts were from bob...ohhhhh, boy. Straw breaking camel's back? Perhaps. But I know you've been trying to get off this mortal e-coil for years and we wouldn't let you. Now we have to. So before I say anything else, may I say THANK YOU MICHAEL for ringmastering this circus and putting up with its petulant children for so long. I've been here so long it's going to be absolutely bizarre not to have it around anymore. I have years of great memories, hundreds of songs I never would have heard and have met dozens of you in person with a 99% success rate. It's like being evicted from a house you share with a bunch of people (whom you mostly like) because the house is being condemned. Your first impulse is to recreate the house exactly so you can comfortably teleport into the next one with minimal effort and change. But maybe this is an opportunity to design that new house. Albeit quickly. :) I have neither the time nor patience to craft a Yahoo list or some such area in this short a period of time. My schedule won't permit it and frankly there might be better options I'm unaware of. I'm hoping someone out there with the talent and time can take the reins and build that new house so we can all move over. Maybe a place where the musicians on this list could post MP3s or artwork or we could archive mixtapes(discs) of the end-of-year poll winning artists. But at least a place to meet, chat, exchange opinions and tout artists we like and ask about ones we've merely heard of. Just PLEASE don't make us a MySpace group. cheers b