You're entitled to your opinions, Fanboy. Where can I hear your music? bob wrote: No, what's boring for EVRYBODY is seeing a pathetic never-was continue to complain to people about an argument he started in the first place. Let's do the run down: Wackers - can you say the word "derivitive"? Those albums sounded like you knew the word well. "Gotta Have Pop" - no I don't because it's sterile plainness bored me to tears so I traded it in. Oh yeah, bought it used anyway, so I lost maybe $3 bucks. the "legendary" Nemperor Romantics demos - yeah, well we all know how original that group sounded. Two good songs and out. Go to sleep old man, we'll call you when it's time for your rice pudding. Bitter old man bingo starts in three hours at Shady Hills. Scott Homewood > ...and you are like a 12 year old with a decent vocabulary. Honestly, find > something else to do besides argue with me and name call . Jesus, this must > be getting boring for EVERYBODY...not just me. >