You just called me an asshole. ...and you turn my words around to your advantage to make your point. I spent 8 years in a bad relationship with a woman that was gifted at that. I do not 'present' myself as anything other than what I am, a man who has spent his life making music, surrounded by others of a similar bent. I speak only for myself. Your post suggests you are speaking for everyone here. I doubt that you are. I am, however, rather interested in what kind of person is calling me an asshole, because that will deretmine where or not it is you, or I that would be regarded as such. Oh, The Eagles didn't write "Get Over It' for me. They wrote it for people that cannot and will not accept a differing opinion. or reality. Seems that would apply to you more than me. ...and if it's too hot in the kitchen... bob wrote: That's really very clever, that whole projecting other people's offence at your dislike for their music as being all that happened. You aren't acknowledging what an asshole you were in the process, there Bob. I really doubt anyone here cares in the least what you like or dislike... in fact liking / disliking count for a large part of what gets talked about here.... Mostly with no offence taken. Frankly if anyone in this whole thread has shown a behaviour pattern that could be described as self absorbed one-up-man-ship it would definitely be you. Presenting yourself as some kind of lone voice of musical truth in the wilderness of delusion. You're just a sad also ran whose bitterness gets projectile vomited on other people and then you act all detached with the "See wan't that fun"? response knowing full well it wasn't for other people. This to you is a game of pushing peoples buttons for response and then acting so above it all. You say you like the Eagles? Listen to "Get Over It". They wrote it just for you. -------------- Original message -------------- From: bob > Actually, listing what you own, be it baseball cards, cookbooks, or CD's, would > pass as 'psychotic' behaviour. > Honestly, what purpose does is serve other than self-absorbed > one-ups-man-ship? > ...and anyone that is offended by another individual disliking what they like? > What difference could that possibly make to what YOU like? > Riddle me this: > I LOVE King Of The Hill > Fourplay > James Taylor > The Eagles > Vinyl Kings > The Bicycles > Marianas Trench > Dozens of movies/tv shows/comics/restaurants/bands/etc, that maybe NO ONE ELSE > likes...and yet, it matters not to me, because I LOVE it, and feel that all > others have a right to love what THEY love. > Why would anyone get their nose out of joint if they KNOW what they like, just > because someone else doesn't share their taste? > Beats the hell out of me... > And now...first person to call me out for posting a list, (see above), gets an > imaginary prize of his or her choice. > ...see...I TOLD you this is fun. > Carry on... > > bob > > > > Marty Rudnick wrote: > Actually, wouldn't 'psychopathic' be the correct term? > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Gene Good" > To: > Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 12:59 PM > Subject: Re: See... > > > > if you're psychotic > > > Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 18:36:45 -0500 > > From: > > Subject: See... > > To: > > > > ...wasn't that fun? > > > > bob > >