For actually getting to hear cool, old records, I'll third, I believe, Little Hits. There's also a blog called Setting the Woods on Fire ( that I like to check out. The guy who runs it keeps honing his collection of music and commentary. Good stuff. Music Thing is a good, weird gear-oriented blog that I check in on about once a week: If you like to discuss music and engage in some spirited, silly disagreements among friends - mostly devoid of insults and hurt feelings - I'll put in a plug for Rock Town Hall (, which I moderate and which includes contributions and participation by a few folks you know from here. It's not for the most thin-skinned musical relativists out there, but trust me, although we sometimes bark we rarely bite. The rock nerdiness that is celebrated is partially tongue-in-cheek. Thanks, Michael Coxe and others who've driven this list over the years. I hope something picks up from here and feels refreshed and refocused. Jim