----- Original Message ----- From: > However, I'm going to move on to reading more blogs on a regular > basis. Just like how I check out stuffonmycat daily (what? you > don't?!) I'm going to find a few blogs that will ease my pop-culture > jones. And yes, Stewart's will be one of them (thanks Deerlick Dan!) > > So, that said, can anyone recommend some blogs? Music and otherwise. > Share the wealth. Although it's been described as "my" blog a couple times, Little Hits really belongs to Audities lurker Jon Harrison: it's just that he's taken a new and much more demanding job since starting the blog and I've sort of picked up the slack, alongside my fellow contributors Andrew Chalfen (songwriter/guitarist of the Trolleyvox) and Steve Mitchell (owner of the online record store Low Down Kids and former mastermind behind the Pooh Sticks as Steve Gregory). Most of the blogs I read are political in nature, so they're not really appropriate to share here, but I'm also a fan of WFMU's Beware of the Blog (blog.wmfu.org), which is filled with strange downloads and odd stories; the Radio Kitchen (theradiokitchen.net), which is a spinoff of the FMU blog and really only of interest to serious shortwave and AM radio geeks; The Bryant Park Project, a blog connected to the morning news show I listen to (www.npr.org/bryant park); the self-explanatory Comics Curmudgeon (www.joshreads.com); and, naturally, icanhascheezburger.com. Although what's most useful to me in discovering new music is podcasts: I have bought more new CDs in the last three years because of CBC Radio 3 and its affiliated podcasts than anything else. My latest discovery is the Whitsundays, a band from Alberta composed mostly of members of more electronic outfits (the singer/songwriter is the guy from the Faunts, the rhythm section are from the LCD Soundsystem-like Shout Out Out Out Out) doing something closer in sound and spirit to the Shins or Belle and Sebastian, with a pronounced '60s influence: particularly, several songs have electric piano solos that are straight out of the Zombies' early singles. Details here: http://www.myspace.com/thewhitsundays S