The provider I use, Rogers/Yahoo, has email virus detection that is updated constantly. Maybe your provider does too. It's fairly easy to tell when someone has hijacked your email address...they don't write like you and usually have an odd, generic header. In 7-8 years of lists and tons of emails, I have yet to get a virus...(knock on wood). bob Sherman wrote: Hi, Boy can we have fun laughing and crying at America's lyrics. But they know how to play and write a melody, for sure. Rick quotes the Muskrat Love lyrics, and Michael points out that America did not write them. Let's not forget that Captain and Tennille's version made it to number four. OK, I said "Captain and Tennille" on this list, adding more straw to that overloaded camel's back. lol BTW, if we go to an HTML list, I hope we can have a plain text option, I know of no easier way to catch a computer virus or worm than by opening an e-mail with an executable file attachment masquerading as an mp3. See ya, Sherman > But the worst has to be Muskrat Love. > > Muskrat Susie, muskrat Sam > Do the jitterbug out in muskrat land > And they shimmy > And Sammy's so skinny