Aren't they famous for "the heat was hot" ? > From: > To: > Subject: We Used to Laugh, We Used to Cry > Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2008 18:42:46 +0000 > > Hi, > > Boy can we have fun laughing and crying at America's lyrics. But they know how to play and write a melody, for sure. > > Rick quotes the Muskrat Love lyrics, and Michael points out that America did not write them. > Let's not forget that Captain and Tennille's version made it to number four. > > OK, I said "Captain and Tennille" on this list, adding more straw to that overloaded camel's back. lol > > BTW, if we go to an HTML list, I hope we can have a plain text option, I know of no easier way to catch a computer virus or worm than by opening an e-mail with an executable file attachment masquerading as an mp3. > > See ya, > Sherman > > > But the worst has to be Muskrat Love. > > > > Muskrat Susie, muskrat Sam > > Do the jitterbug out in muskrat land > > And they shimmy > > And Sammy's so skinny _________________________________________________________________ Climb to the top of the charts! Play the word scramble challenge with star power.