I didn't 'attack' the list...I voiced an opinion. Obviously an unpopular one, but just an opinion nevertheless. It concerned listing what people own, and CDs for sale, something that every other list I'm on is posted thusly, "If anyone here is in the market for some low cost additions to their collections, please email me off-list and I'll send you what I have available". Takes up less space, and allows those not interested to not have to see this list tuned into a marketplace. Giving stuff away...fine. Selling your wares here? That's spam where I come from. Re-read the post. Ditto the girl singer. Not to my taste, and why, and pointing out options, the feathers started to fly. I just got through re-reading some posts from last year. August 5th on to be exact. Please have a look, (if this silliness is still of any interest), and see who starts the name calling/your taste sucks diatribes. Hi Stewart...still think The Eagles are coke-fueled losers? bob Gene Good wrote: Bob, It was a lot worse than a disagreement.You attacked the lists,selling cd's here.You really attacked the whole group and our messages in general.It was mean.Mean enough to get me angry.I am a gentle soul.And as Hersh pointed out this is an internet group. Your initial angry post and the "Having fun yet" followed by some vicious rebuttals are what kept this going.Maybe you just don't like Stewart,but your bit about liking Feist was way off the rails. I'm not going to go on.I am calm.It is over.Hey,I have spent my entire life not being able to discuss the music I love.For example ,I am an Ornette Coleman freak.Try and bring that up in the work place.And a good deal of the indie bands I currently love are not generally known .But Audities is a place where talk of these bands was welcome.It was refreshing to exchange ideas. The lists you disdained so much are hard work for some of us.Fun work.Not all of us write for publications.Just fans willing to share ideas. It's good clean fun. It was never about Nicole Atkins. I was defending the group.I made that clear. I think I will go play "Free Jazz".Ornette rules. > Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 05:36:52 -0500 > From: segarini@rogers.com > Subject: Re: Bob S. admission. N.F.W. > To: audities@smoe.org > > So let me get this straight. Some people on this list get completely nuts because I said something in disagreement, but it's ok for them to dis my work, (or anyone else's, The Eagles and Vinyl Kings come to mind in the past), and I'm supposed to go nuts? I don't make qualitive statements about art...you can't. It is different things to different people, which is why I am dumbfounded by people like Stewart Mason, who take umbrage at the merest hint of disagreement. > Just pointing out how oddly one-sided this reaction to personal opinions looks to me. > Call me whatever makes you feel better, love the music you love, but please remember that your personal opinion should be strong enough as to be able to survive others not agreeing with it. > I f the real reason, (and it appears to be so), that most people here like being turned on to music or artists they have yet to experience, then those of you that make the suggestions should be able to understand that not everyone is going to think your choices are as good as you do. Everyone's taste is different. Most of what is 'popular' these days isn't so much because it's good, but because it has the most attention. Nothing new, really, but if you can see through the mediocrity of so much popular stuff, (Hot Pockets? Doritos? Jessica Simpson...nice body though...), and seek out lesser known but, to you, more worthy product, why don't you use your belief and email labels, radio stations, start an internet station, and other related moves that totally fit the whole concept of this list. > Here...you're contributing to the list's awareness of what's out there, but you are preaching to the converted. We ALL want more than what's proffered by the established media...we just don't always agree as to what is better. It's called the Human Condition. > ...and thanks for your post regarding some of my music, and I apologize for not thanking you earlier. Not to make excuses, but I sometimes get to busy or workloaded to death and forget the simplest things... > > bob > > > > Gene Good wrote: > > So this is Bob back on his meds[ except when he so gallantly sticks up for his recordings- gee,all those record labels are disrespected by a criticism?]. > Hey, I get no respect so no utmost for me.However I sent a heartfelt post about enjoying your music which you chose to ignore. > > > Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2008 22:00:16 -0500 > > From: segarini@rogers.com > > Subject: Re: Bob S. admission. N.F.W. > > To: audities@smoe.org > > > > One thing you get in this business is a thick skin. People without it don't tend to last long because they take everything personally. > > I expect people to disagree with me. That's what makes the world go 'round, but if you check my posts, you'll see that it was not usually me that tee'd off on someone that bismurched MY taste. > > To not allow dissension, may I offer you many countries, (and governments), that agree with you 100%, and suggest you contact them about job openings and apartment rentals. > > ...and when you do NOT express your PERSONAL opinion of the music I've made over the years, and call them 'pathetic recordings', you embarrass yourself, and disrespect not only me, (hell, I just wrote and sang most of it), but Jac Holzman, Harry Nilsson, Gary Usher, Mark Abramson, Jaimie Vernon, A&M, CBS, Electra, RCA, dozens of amazing and well respected musicians and singers, and all the people that DO enjoy my music. > > I base eveything I say on experience AND my personal taste, I VERY rarely offer an OPINION unless I'm asked. > > The stuff some of you rave about is not to my taste, and I'll say so and state why, but I don't call them a bunch of names, or, in the case of an opinion, Say that they are 'dick-wad talentless hacks' unless provoked, (and hardly ever even then)...that would be an opinion and ONLY an opinion, and should be regarded as such, not as a personal attack on what YOU like. > > Diversity is at the soul of entertainment. I suggest that if you want to be on a 'rainbow and unicorn' list where thre is no discourse or disagreement and everyone loves what you love, that you start one for those people...whoever they may be. > > As far as the on-going hate campaign...I'd rather be Loved or Hated than 'liked'. It's the chance you take when you entertain ot voice your beliefs...and I can handle either easily. > > > > To those of you that didn't join in this silliness, you have my utmost respect, as do you, Michael Coxe...I know what a handful music fans can be. > > > > bob > > > > > > > > > > > > "garymaher@juno.com" wrote: > > Not only should that jerkoff not be allowed on the team, all copies of his pathetic recordings should be erased. Let him spread his misery somewhere else. > > > > g > > > > > > _____________________________________________________________ > > Click now for super savings on last minute travel. > > http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL2121/fc/Ioyw6i3nMEdmRAhtaUOx0KZV7hrRTSNaIwrawag0oPHDhtqXQ0iMWN/ > > > > > > > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser! > http://biggestloser.msn.com/ > _________________________________________________________________ Connect and share in new ways with Windows Live. http://www.windowslive.com/share.html?ocid=TXT_TAGHM_Wave2_sharelife_012008======================================================================= Detailed Audities-List information: To manage your Audities List settings or unsubscribe: