Having been a member of this fine community since 1997, I’d like to thank Michael Coxe for all the years of moderating the list – bravo, Michael! You graciously handled all the Poppycockgrrl’s and Stone Gossard’s of the distant past (LOL). May you enjoy your well-earned retirement; please accept this XTC Oranges and Lemons Gold CD as a token of my appreciation. I also extend a “thanks” to all of the great Audities musicians, songwriters, journalists, label owners, festival organizers, and active participants for providing some profoundly life-changing musical experiences over the years -- along with some laughs. Also, I’d be absolutely lost if I hadn’t met Cathy Gale via this list (where’ve you been Cat?) way back in 1997. Thanks, Cat, I’ll always owe ya! I admit, my tastes have changed over the past decade – just like they always have. While I still enjoy power-pop-style songwriting on occasion, over the years I’ve grown away from the genre for various musical and personal reasons. Hence my steady decline in posts/reports -- and enthusiasm for the genre in general -- as the years have jangled by. Still, every once in awhile something mentioned here on Audities (eg. recently Lewis Taylor) tickles my fanny, so I happily lurk (Stewart Mason be damned) and contribute whenever the motivation strikes. Wherever this list eventually migrates, I plan on following. Thanks to Sarah and everyone else who’s putting the new home together...I have an extra bean-bag chair I could throw in the rec room (burnt umber), or a spare drum-set for the garage (blue sparkle)... As for Bob Segarini – dude, for one who professes a thick skin, you sure are quick to defend criticism of your output. The “pop formula” has been around for over 40 years now, and while I respect those who are able to imprint a smidgen of originality upon this tired old format (lord knows I’ve tried – and failed – and tried again – and failed), most fall far from the mark, including YOU from time to time (at least you’re imaginative enough to come up with some great stuff on occasion, many kudos to you). So please, with all of your relative success, try to keep things in perspective, and be grateful for your legacy and continued contributions to the genre. kErrY www.myspace.com/kompost NP: Nothing but a new song in my head...the new Name-To-Be-Determined-Pop-List theme song. Very jangly, of course. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page. http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs