Hello Michael and everybody. It's sad to hear the audities is closing its doors. I'm a new member (i joined in the fall of 2005) and not a regular poster, but i've ejoyed it for many things, the first of which was (and still is) the possibility to talk to the greatest personalities in the powerpop scene. I liked it for being a good source to discover new (mostly good) music, of course. For these reasons, i'd really like to be counted in the eventual new community. Sorry if my English is not that good, also, but i do my best. I think the most important thing for us all is still the music -the POWERPOP MUSIC- after all... If i can say a thing, i agree with Michael Carpenter, preferring the forum to the mailing list, but everything will be fine, just don't let this thing die please... /Emmanuel underthetangerinetree.blogsot.com _________________________________________________________________ Ti piace giocare con le lettere? Prova ABCLive! http://messengergiochi.it.msn.com/