Well, I like Helen Love a lot -- I've owned the first two RADIO HITS singles comps on Damaged Goods for over a decade, and to this day, I adore their cheeky ripoff of the Jam's "Boy About Town," a snarky dissing of a trendy poseur called "Girl About Town" -- but again, they have as little to do with Nicole Atkins as Rufus Wainwright does. Comparing unalike artists to each other and saying that one is intrinsically better than the other doesn't get anyone anywhere. You might as well say that John Coltrane is better than the Beatles: certainly to some people he is, but they're working in such completely different styles that that statement is just useless. And honestly, I like Helen Love fine, but they're not a patch on the Pooh Sticks. See, THAT'S a comparison that's worthwhile, because Helen Love and the Pooh Sticks (well, excepting MILLION SELLER and that not-really-very-good last album, perhaps) were in fact doing stylistically very similar stuff. But again, I just don't see enough points of comparison between Helen Love and Nicole Atkins to bother making the comparison. S