I'll admit there may have been a slight antagonistic edge to my post. ( But not unabashed, 'I'll save that for the "Playboy Joke Page".) I receive Auditities in digest form & when this last drama unfolded it was hard to follow jumping in mid Hissy. But I saw a few messages pining for the good ol' days when people where nicer & posting recommendations ect., and I had to laugh. I de-lurk a couple a times a year to post on Audities. My post are (now) 99% positive & usually only to recommended "Insanely Great Pop" & was pretty much universally ignored.( Ironical I post a negative comment & get my 1st response in years.) Which is fine, but points to the fact people might be looking back on the list through rose colored glasses. I listen to a ton of stuff that would not fall under the umbrella of "Insanely Great Pop" & wouldn't waste the list's time on it. When I heard NICOLE ATKINS, it was about as far from "Insanely Great Pop" as I could comprehend. And with that, I give you fine Audititieers, THE INSANELY GREAT............................. ------------------------------------------POP-SI CHALLENGE------------------------------------- One of my last recommendations to the list was the criminally ignored Welsh band HELEN LOVE. I I can not remember seeing them mentioned before or after my post and they make "Insanely Great Pop" on a pretty regular basis. Their single "Debbie Loves Joey" is (IMHO) one of the great singles of last ten years. My challenge to the list should you choose to except it is this: Follow this link to Helen Love's myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/helenlove Give them a listen and I defy anyone to make a case that Nicole Atikins is even in the same stratosphere of pop music and is even close to the spirit of the original intent of the Auditities list that Helen Love is. ( Plus, I JUST WANT PEOPLE TO LISTEN TO HELEN LOVE! ) Kevin P.S. Thanks Micheal for all your hard-work over the years as our fearless administrator. --------------------------------- Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.