Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2008 11:17:57 -0500 From: To: Cc: Kevin Hunt Subject: Re: The Staw That Broke The Auditites Back. Message-ID: <> > > Maybe this list has out lived it usefulness. I just went to Youtube & watched the Nicole Atkins stuff. Since I wasn't familiar with her work I wanted to see what the fuss was all about. Just what the world needs, a female Rufus Wainwright.( Isn't that a little redundant?) > "While I've already indicated my hopes that Audities continues in some form or other, I have to say that it's unabashedly antagonistic posts like this one which make me understand why some people have left the list already." New name suggestion first: This Is Pop, and the subscribers could be TIPsters. Now onto the recent fuss. I read with amusement the Bob et al. to do and never once felt offended. This is an internet listserv and what would that be without a little flaming now and again. I also remember the Paula Kelly fiasco and remember thinking what a tempest in a teapot. People are so easily offended these days. To wit, the above comment. I laughed when I read this. There is a simple way to deal with posts like those: hit the delete button. Perhaps you'll even do the same with this one. I will subscribe to the the new list and will be sad to see the old one go away. I've gotten many a fine record from recommendations by list members and I expect to get many more in the future. Just my $.02. Bill Sherlock