Dear Michael and all I totally understand that Audities is to be cut off. Time moves on. To me the list used to be hugely important, it was one of THE main places to find out about new Insanely Great Pop names when the scene was REALLY vibrant...OK, perhaps I'm a traditionalist, but I got a real rush from a lot of new Pop releases from the mid 90s until about 6 years ago, it was a great and exciting time in music -In 10 years time we will be able to wax nostalgic about the first Cotton Mather, Myracle Brah, Rooks etc..Yellow Pills, The Audities mag, Popsided, Not Lame and this list were really at the core of what was happening, it also allowed for me to hook up with you and many others Auditeers and this culminated (for me) in my trips over to IPO LA in 2000/2001. It was a blast, although you could already smell the wear and tear by then. These last few years, I've occasionally looked at the odd post, but at least half the digests seem to end up automatically in my spam box, and...So, I wasn't even really lurking. Michael you put so much energy, love and dedication into this list and for that we are all extremely grateful, but I can feel the tangible release in closing it down. I won't miss the list, but I will miss the times when, to me at least, it really mattered. So to Michael, Gene Pillsbury and all - Thanks and farewell! All the best Robin