1. I am on quite a few email forums, some artistic, some technical, a few social and/or a combination. In one very large group, email exchanges were becoming diatribe volleys of "tag, you're it!" and long-time members were bailing out, taking their expertise with them. But no one liked full moderation or even banning of "difficult" people since the difficult people also had a lot of valuable information and alternate viewpoints. We tried a short-term solution that turned into a long-term cure. I'm not sure if this software feature would be available in a new forum but what we did was impose a 5 post-a-day limit (on a rolling 24 hours) on everyone. With over 1500 subscribers, our thinking was no one person needed to speak to that many people more than 5 times a day anyway. The result was, the tit-for-tat bursts of postings killed themselves and created an automated "time-out". People who wanted to flame/troll had to stop and consider how many of their 5 replies they wanted to use up. That lead to more careful wording and less heat but still kept controversial conversation alive. At a minimum, the vitriol became more coherent and well-written. Occasionally, it choked off someone in the middle of a good conversation - but hey tomorrow is just a day away. Once or twice, the person would forward their reply to another member for group posting if necessary. I believe admins and a few key senior members were exempt from the posting limit. 2. May I suggest PowerPopPlanet as a group name? Call it PPP or even 3P for shorthand. Just a thought.... anyway, I'll follow the group wherever. I've found too much music I would not have the time to find on my own. And personally, I've never had trouble hitting a delete key without opening and email I just *know* I don't want to read.....