>>Re: Beautiful songs..melancholy<< "Bridge Across Forever" by Transatlantic (from the album of the same name). The album is a 70-minute full-on prog-rock masterpiece, and "Bridge Across Forever" is the "single", the requisite pop song that many prog bands traditionally place on a record to try to score some airplay 'cause no programmer in their right mind is going to play a 25-minute epic on the air. Trust me, these 25-minute epics are so perfectly written, they fly by in what seems like seconds...if you're into that sort of thing. And I am. Anyway... "Bridge" is a SHORT plaintive piano/vocal piece with universal lyrics regarding faith, belief, and the afterlife (without any direct mentions of God or Allah or The Big J or any of that distracting, preachy bullshit), beautifully, powerfully, emotionally sung by Bob Segarini's favorite under-the-radar-vocalist, Neal Morse. Like much of Neal Morse's music -- in spite of his proclivity for writing endless epics -- "Bridge" is a simple song with a simple melody and a simple message, simply delivered in a personal, one-on-one kind of way; it gives me shivers -- and, ultimately, hope -- every time I hear it. kErrY www.myspace.com/kompost NP: Half Zaftig -- Life-Like Luster. Damn, I wish I'd remembered to put this in my top 20 for 2007. Genre-smashing guitar prog-pop wherein the lightness of Enya meets King Crimson circa "Lark's Tongues in Aspic". Very impressive songwriting and musicianship on display...especially if you like a little Seattle-style heaviness (think Alice In Chains or Soundgarden) sprinkled like cherry blossoms over your pop sundae. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page. http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs