> Bill Holmes and I sexchanged a few emails this morning That sounds really, really filthy. I have to wash now. Date: Sat, 02 Feb 2008 19:33:24 -0500 From: "Bill" To: "Holmes Online" , Subject: Re: New group question Message-ID: <000501c865fc$6687d100$6401a8c0@MediaPC> Oh my god, I am rolling. This shows you why you should not try to rush and email without speelcheck when you are running out to ref. ---OK, this is part of what I'll miss about audities. This exchange made me laugh out loud for quite awhile (I'd raised an eyebrow when I saw the "sexchanged" in the first post, but assumed it was an in-joke. Somehow, knowing it was unintentional made it exponentially funnier). I remember this happening many times over the ?eight? years I've been on this list. One that comes to mind is Mike Bennett's response to someone who said something about sending a CD "rush delivery": "What? Then you won't get it 'til 2112!" I also met a couple of really good friends through this list who I never would've known without it, the aforementioned Mr. Bennett and Kelly Cronin, along with many others who I've crossed paths with, and don't keep up with nearly as often as I should. I found some good roommates and saw some fun pop fests that I wouldn't have otherwise known about. And occasionally there'd be a really great outbreak of baseball talk. While I still enjoyed reading many people's posts, admittedly I haven't been much of an active participant here for the past few years. It seemed there'd been a fairly substantial drop-off in the talk about new music, which resulted in my going elsewhere. I think all groups can get stale after awhile, so maybe a shakeup will do us good, while still allowing an interested core group to continue. Hopefully it will be a chance to bring in some new blood as well. Anyway, I'm curious to see what comes next. --Shawn (a completely sincere, unintentional originator of one legendary audities battle, lo these many years ago) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile.yahoo.com/;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ