Sounds like a bunch of us are still interested in a communal hang - Michael Coxe, can we buy a little more time to make the transition? So we have time to look at all the options - someone taking over here, if another site, where, etc.? Maybe even try to assemble and determine the +/- of each option. For example, lots of people like message boards. Too much clicking for me; I like the email and the option to get a digest or not. Yahoo Groups works well for me, but I see already that some would draw the line there (as I would if we were to go MySpace). I don't know if Google groups are similar. But there might be a lot of things people want to consider, such as: Single owner or board of directors (together or revolving)? What are the powers? Members must be approved before able to join and post? Messages monitored? Email? Bulletin board? Both? Ability to upload/store/download files? Public access or members only viewing? Able to turn messages on/off/digest? These are many other options were what made Michael's management - for YEARS - an amazingly underappreciated piece or work. So let's not rush into anything...and Michael, I ask that you let us have the time to not do that. And if we're quoting goodbye songs, I suggest "Big Yellow Taxi"..."Don't it always seem to go/that you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone...they paved Paradise/and put up a parking lot..." cheers b