Hi everyone, I've been mostly a lurker in this list for the past few years, but have always found it a source of great advice on new music and good discussion. Unfortunately, the web seems to bring out the fight in many and that can mean havok for forums, message boards, and mailing lists. I have loved being a member of this list. Thank you for providing such a wonderful resource for us. To that end, as a self-proclaimed web geek, if there is any interest, I would be happy to start up another list and manage it. My job has become very largely focused on music and this allows me a lot of time to give to music-related discussion. I have a lot of music licensing opportunities and it's always been a nice to know that this list has been a haven for some great musicians out there. I'd love to keep that outlet. But more than that, the great reviews of new albums, new artists to look out for, and reminiscing great old albums is a wonderful thing that i will miss. I realize I'm not a top poster here, I'm just a lover of music and would love to give the Audities group (or whatever name we choose for yourselves) a new home. Whether that takes the form of a list, Google group, perhaps a website with all these great 'best of the year' contributions, a group music blog. I'd love to help keep this community alive. So please let me know if there is an interest and I'll proceed from there. Cheers, Sarah