ESD was a great label for a period of time. Steve Daly was one of the two guys over there that ran it. His tastes were pop/rock/Americana (not to mention he was a hellova nice guy as well). The other guy was way into things like The Residents and Henry Cow. Daly ended up splitting and ESD pretty much then only released albums on the more esoteric side and most of the catalog was cut out. Before ESD, Steve used to run the excellent Coyote label out of NJ. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Bill Silvers Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 10:59 AM To:; Subject: Re: Shake Some Action Michael Coxe replied: >Holmes Online wrote: >> Sub thread - how far down the list did you get before a gap? I had the >> top 38...and not only don't I have #39 but it sounds like something I >> should have been blasting for years! But good luck finding anything on >> East Side Digital...if you do it will be pricey (that one is over $44 on >> Amazon). > >When ESD was dumping their stock back in the 90's (per mention here at >the time), I bought a pile of cds from them dirt cheap - Heidi, extra >copies of Set To Pop, The Sneakers, Brooklyn Side/Bottle Rockets, Blood >Oranges, Walk to Delphi (Schramms), the great East Side Story comp. Yup, me too. I just wish that Jimmy Silva had even been on my radar at that time. The ESD stuff was going for something not far from cost at that time, and I bought everything that I thought I'd have any interest in. Sigh. I couldn't help but wonder, leafing through the book, about what effect the book was going to have on the eBay market for the titles like Mr. Sliva's that are far OOP. If some sort of informal distribution (like mp3 blog?) system is unfair to anyone concerned, it could maybe be a great place for somebody to start reissuing some of the titles? >Amazingly, as I just discovered, ESD still exists mostly to reissue >Wendy Carlos recordings, tho "Bottle Rockets" remains in the catalog. >I didn't know this till tonight, but it appears East Side Digital >was one of the 1st American *cd* distributors & labels, starting in >the early 80's. Quite a few "Nordic" and new age titles there, too. b.s. who's bought maybe six copies of SET TO POP over the years This email and any attachments contain information from Baker & Taylor which may be confidential, privileged and/or protected by other legal rules. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby advised that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this email is prohibited. If you have received the email in error, please notify us by reply email immediately and then delete the email and your reply from your email system. NOTE: Baker & Taylor accepts no liability for the contents of this email. This email shall not operate to bind Baker & Taylor to any contract, order or other obligation.