Cool news...I await the reality... bob AssociationWorks wrote: Bob, Apparently you haven't heard yet...but there's a supplement book coming out soon......featuring most of the bands you've played in. Word on the street is that it's a MUCH more accurate representation of the genre...and not cluttered with those filler bands like Cheap Trick, Big Star and the Raspberries. You and those thousands of others should be satisfied. Jeff ----- Original Message ----- > > The list is specific to the writers. That The Wackers, Family Tree, and 'Gotta Have Pop' were left off the list, renders it innacurate for me, and thousands of others. > When Scott Carl refernces The Wacks, and John, (the Records), puts TWO of my songs on his all-time power pop cassette, well...I gotta ask...who are half the groups mentioned in this book? I LIVE and BREATHE this kind of music, and I haven't heard of MOST of them...and the ones I have?...suck.