Obviously, most of us will have a favorite or two (or mor) left off of the list, and that's understandable. I was wondering, though, if some of the omissions were unintentional oversights? Is there a reason, for example, that WHERE IT'S AT WITH THE WIND, an album that has gotten nothing but raves amongs audities folk and which is in the top 10 of many a power pop fan, is not mentioned at all in the book (unless *I* made an oversight and missed it in one of the later top 10 lists?) I'm sure there are others, but that struck me as the most surprising omission. I suppose I could say something similar about the Push Kings, an album I have mentioned many times here. But despite my (and others') feelings that the album is a perfectly realized version of hook/harmony/lyrical power pop, I can see reasons for having left it out (the main two reasons being all of the bad feelings one certain member of the band left everywhere they ever toured, and another being the utterly godawful nature of all of their other recordings, which may well have made people forget how good the debut was...) Anyone want to take a stab at another album that is a very surprising omission? Again, not a personal favorite (The WInd album, while I like it, isn't a personal favorite of mine), but something you just plain expected to be there? _________________________________________________________________ Connect and share in new ways with Windows Live. http://www.windowslive.com/share.html?ocid=TXT_TAGHM_Wave2_sharelife_012008