My favorite song about boats has always been CS&N's "Southern Cross". I like the imagery. While I'm posting: 3 CHEERS to JB, CC and the rest for Shake Some Action! I borrowed a copy, read it and now I'll be ordering one for my own library. I'm totally enjoying the CD also. Gotta find me some Tommy Keene! (He's always been on my short list of PP artists to track down one day, now he's moved to the top) While I'm on a roll : I was out walking today, listening to music when Brian Stevens & the Flip spun into play. Whatever happened to him/them? (without me looking it up). Okay, last topic: I just rented Ben Folds Five: Complete Sessions at West 54th. I kept it for weeks and seriously considered reporting it, uh, broken! It just might be the best single live-in-the-studio performance that I've ever not seen in person, if you know what I mean. The bonus section is primarily a collection of live performances called "Spare Reels" and it's nearly as good as the studio performance. I'm off now to find the best price on the copy that's soon to be mine. Robert Sledge is the man. jeff t.