Hi All, just wanted to say a few things... Firstly, apologies it has been months since ive posted but im always lurking about reading up on what I can... I just never find the time to contribute these days :( Secondly, to Mike Bennett – A true Audities legend for running the poll each year! If you ever come to London i’d be happy to buy you a pint for every year you’ve taken the time and trouble to compile this! I'm sure it’d be a good night :-) I sincerely hope someone will volunteer to take over the reigns next year as it’s one of the best things about Audities! Every year I track down as many as I can out of the top 20... Which brings me neatly on to point 3... I’d like to apologise not only to Mike but to all auditeers for not contributing a list this year. You all took the time and Im a bit ashamed that I didn’t get around to it. Hope myself and others like me who usually post but didn’t this year haven’t put future end of year polls in jeopardy by creating lowest ever number of entries! I’d be gutted if Mike was knocking it on the head due to a general feeling of apathy from a lot of list members like me... Anyway, in the hope that I may be able to pass on info of at least a couple of great records from 2007 that people outside of the UK may have missed, here are 2 that would have definitely made my end of year list (had I not been a lame-o lazy @!*%$) Justin Currie – What Is Love For? This is an AMAZING record from the one time Del Amitri frontman. I’ts a bit of a departure from his past style as its much more haunting and dark but still manages to hold some of the best pop melodies you can imagine and his usual thought provoking ad spine tingling lyrics! Lotys of piano / acoustic so maybe not a staple for anyone who only likes POWER in their pop but for anyone who wants to witness a masterclass in songwriting this is a MUST! Would definitely have been my No 1 record for 2007 Nigel Clark – 21st Century Man Brilliant debut solo album from the ex frontman of Dodgy. Very much the next Dodgy album but a bit more mature and without the majkor label recording budgets but a great listen!! Anyway, until I find time to write again... All the best to one and all Russ PS – Look out for the new PUGWASH album in March! Its AMAZING and features contributions from a few Audities household names!!! ___________________________________________________________ Yahoo! Answers - Got a question? Someone out there knows the answer. Try it now. http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/