Yes there is. I do it a lot. I've just moved to a new house, which needed a bit of fixing, and hadn't had my grammophone (GRAMMOPHONE = GRANDAD - remember the Not the Nine O'Clock News sketch, anyone?) set up in almost half a year. I was starving for albums. A question for Jamie Vernon: Whatever happened to the brilliant Coney Hatch guitarist Steve Shelski after the Goddo thing? Fjeder Citat af Michael vg : > --- "Cornely, Michael" wrote: >> Does anyone sit around and just listen to albums anymore? > > One positive from the Writers Strike. I have just sat > and listened to music, whole albums, little tiny liner > notes in one hand, big old reading glasses in the other. > I really missed it. And I don't miss tv as much. Not > sure this is what they wanted out of the strike, but > oh well. > what do you think of the new Collective Soul? From > what I have heard, it sounds like one I should pick up. > > michael > > > > > > > ____________________________________________________________________________________ > Be a better friend, newshound, and > know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. >;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ > >