Nice to hear from some Kitchens of Distinction lovers here. I put The Death of Cool high on my list of the best albums of the 90s. "Smiling" and "When In Heaven" are a couple of favorites from that one, but really I love the whole epic, swirling thing. And KoD were a great live band too. Extremely powerful and utterly hypnotic. And props as well for Hitchcock's Perspex Island. I want to go listen to "So You Think You're in Love" and "Ultra Unbelievable Love" right now. There's also a great B-side from that era called "Dark Green Energy" that has Robyn dueting with Michael Stipe (It's included on Hitchcock and the Egyptians' Greatest Hits). I remember that tour with Robyn headlining and Matthew Sweet opening in early 1992. I was in college, and a guy I liked from my college radio station had asked me to go to the show with him. But then he realized it was on Valentine's Day, and had to cancel in order to go out with his girlfriend! I'm not sure which I was more disappointed about: missing the chance to hang out with him or having to miss the show itself! Oh well, it worked out better for the both of us in the long run, but I sure was sad at the time. And finally, coming in late to the party, but I must agree with the people who've said that you can't count the twofer of #1 Record and Radio City as a single album. No way - not fair! These are two very different albums, and I'm sorry, but you MUST choose between them. Agh. So while I'm here, I suppose I have to do this damn list too. Well, I'm not going to agonize over it for once. Here are my top 20 poppish albums of all time as of this minute: 1. The Beatles - Rubber Soul 2. Big Star - Radio City 3. The Replacements - Tim 4. Teenage Fanclub - Bandwagonesque 5. Big Star - Third 6. The Beatles - A Hard Day's Night 7. R.E.M. - Life's Rich Pageant 8. The Loud Family - Plants & Birds & Rocks & Things 9. The Jesus & Mary Chain - Psychocandy 10. Cub - Come Out, Come Out 11. Aimee Mann - Whatever 12. Frisbie - The Subversive Sounds of Love 13. Redd Kross - Third Eye 14. Luna - Bewitched 15. Guided By Voices - Bee Thousand 16. The Sundays - Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic 17. Lloyd Cole - The Negatives 18. T. Rex - The Slider 19. Material Issue - Destination Universe 20. Zombies - Oddessey and Oracle It will be different five minutes from now. If you like French pop of the ye-ye variety with a little taste of Velocity Girl thrown in here and there, I recommend checking out Miou Miou, a band from the Czech Republic with a female vocalist who sings in French. Their debut album, 'La La Grande Finale' is quite charming. --Shawn ____________________________________________________________________________________ Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ