Just a couple of comments on Drew's list: 1. The Traffic And Weather "backlash": I'm definitely in the camp that FoW's latest is not nearly up to the standards of their first three albums. Not that there aren't some excellent songs on it, but ever since I first heard it, about three months before it came out, repeated listens didn't improve it much for me. Lyrically, they are who they are, which is both a blessing and a curse. Musically, I wonder if they've reached a limit to what they can do -- a lot of this new album kind of hits me as I've heard it before, done better. 2. Perspex Island -- This might very well be his most accessible album. I was never a fan of Paul Fox's production. I have some of the songs on Perspex from a compilation of BBC recordings by Robyn, and those songs sound even better. Miles noted that he wasn't keen on Spooked and Luxor. I like the latter better than the former. But I think that Moss Elixir was one of the best things that Robyn has ever done. He's always worthwhile, in my book. Mike Bennett, who is double checking the entries for the Top 20 of 2007 poll. Blog: http://blog.myspace.com/mrhonorama Record reviews and more at http://fufkin.com Find out about Chicago shows: http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/chicagopopshowreport/ _________________________________________________________________ Connect and share in new ways with Windows Live. http://www.windowslive.com/share.html?ocid=TXT_TAGHM_Wave2_sharelife_012008