Agree on PERSPEX. Was somehow thought of as subpar because it was more "mainstream," whatever that means. "She Doesn't Exist" remains an all-time fave. Interestingly, saw him on this tour - where he absolutely killed - with Matthew Sweet as the opener, supporting GIRLFRIEND, which had just come out but not quite caught on. Talk about power pop bliss! Miles Goosens wrote: Drew McDonald picks a couple that made me go "heck, yeah!" even if they wouldn't be on my (still hypothetical) Top 20: >19. PERSPEX ISLAND - Robyn Hitchcock & the Egyptians >This album's relatively low placement probably misrepresents my abiding love >and respect for Hitchock. If homemade compilations were allowable, my "Best >Of Robyn" would be number one on this list. But as it is, this is the first >all-killer, no-filler album of his I heard. (Yes, I got into RH very late.) Totally underrated album. When people were pimping snoozefests like LUXOR and SPOOKED as a "maturing, grown-up" Robyn, I kept thinking "PERSPEX ISLAND is already that album, only with songs that are a thousand times better." On the "filler" part, I'd have trouble saying there was any Hitchcock filler at all, at least on the mainline albums, from the Soft Boys' UNDERWATER MOONLIGHT through EYE and PERSPEX ISLAND. Yes, that does mean that I like GROOVY DECAY better than your average Hitchcock fan. >20. STRANGE FREE WORLD - Kitchens Of Distinction >I don't remember seeing this on the other lists so far, and I don't think >I'm likely to. Though I have all the KoD records, the others never got their >hooks in me the way this one did (and does.) IIRC, I was turned on to >them by MTV's "120 Minutes." The urgency of Fitzgerald's nasal braying over >the dense squall of guitars really does the trick. Take me away from these >simple feelings... Julian Swales' endlessly crashing waves of shimmery guitar... . That may be my single favorite sound in rock. I blame them, in part, for me always being disappointed with MBV, because this is the shoegazer-era guitar sound I *really* wanted. I totally agree that STRANGE FREE WORLD is the best one, but THE DEATH OF COOL isn't far off. Fitzgerald's current joint, Stephen Hero, is definitely worth checking out for KoD fans... later, Miles --------------------------------- Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.