Red-faced Drew wrote: >Aw, crap! Accidentally posted a draft before finishing. I blame gmail's page >Layout (the SAVE NOW button is right next to SEND.) I'm embarassed. Please >ignore. Actual list to come. (I have the 20, but haven't finished the >ranking.) You had me there, too, brother! Some great points you have made ... I fear that when I finally get my ass in gear to do my top 20, I'll face some of the same issues. Since converting most of my listening to iTunes/iPod, while I still usually listen to "albums" from track 1 to N, I have found that I don't study the album cover, pour over the lyrics and read all the "thank yous" like I used to. As I get older, I still find myself enjoying great music, but it's somehow more in the background than in the forefront. Does anyone sit around and just listen to albums anymore? Looking forward to your list, Drew. Mike np - Collective Soul - 7even Year Itch (very good, but not eligible, since it's a comp)