----- Original Message ----- From: > "One More Reason" and "For Her Love" are fantastic as well. I love > the combination of the great tunes and the production. I never got > or understood why people (almost universally) disliked it. Pop > snobbery, maybe? There was no sense in making a debut album, Vol. 2, > but it seems like that this is what the critics wanted. My memory is that FIELD DAY came out at the point where Steve Lillywhite was at his most ubiquitous as a producer, and he had a (mostly but not entirely unfair) reputation as one of those producers who had a particular signature sound that he forced on every act he produced. I think there was just sort of a sense among a lot of fans of the first album that Crenshaw was being forced into adopting the sound of the moment. Ironically, I thought every Crenshaw album after DOWNTOWN had absolutely wretched '80s production, but I don't remember anyone complaining about them at the time. S