Delurking for a while to admit that I, like Drew MacDonald, have 171 of the top 200. Now admittedly, I have been a Borack devotee ever since he compiled his first major list in Goldmine in 1996 and spent eight fairly luckless years tracking down them all down. I now go by the credo - " Borack writes- I buy" - which, admittedly costs me a lot of money but what greater compliment can one pay to a power pop avatar like John? So I guess I had quite a head start on most other people with the latest list . But John really HAS unearthed some incredible gems that everyone should try to seek out. Highly recommended - Michael Guthrie Band - Direct Hits; Jimmy Silva and the Goats( Heidi) ; The Keys ( The Keys) ; Squire ( Big Smashes); The Late Show ( Portable Pop) and Sneetches( Blow Out the Sun) Disappointments: The absence of Grapes of Wrath ( Now and Then) ; David Halley ( Broken Spell) ; Stolen Moments ( Shoes); Love Candy ( Sacrilicious) ; Tom Petty Fever ( Full Mooon Fever) and anything by the Wackers. Avi Davis EarthLink Revolves Around You.