Looks like I scored pretty well. I do own 83 of the 1st 100, and only 60 of the next 100. Makes me 143/200.But my tastes have pretty much been in line with Boracks from the begining.I'm surprised he didnt include Frisbie's debut however ;-) I too peaked on buying CDs in the mid to late 90s.I had a better job then and also lived in SF where I would get to Amoeba at least once a week.I think I may have even bought from Not Lame on a weekly basis as well. Ahhh, the good old days. I need to revist Dennis Wilsons POB. Was undewhelmed on 1st listen when I finally scored a sealed casette of a Ebay. Lastly, anyone check out "From The Jam"??? I'm thinking of seeing the boys next week in S.F. Thoughts anyone ? luv, tl --------------------------------- Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.