All hail King Stewart! :-) Stewart Mason wrote: ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Alter" > Yeah, but which one is THE Holy Grail? The fact that they're > available as a two-fer is a factor of marketing and distribution, > and has nothing to do with the records themselves, which are pretty > different experiences (and not in a band evolving kinda way, but in > a whole different band kinda way.) They're NOT one album and it's > weird to talk about them as such. This is the one decision I've made in tabulating the Audities Top Pop 200 that has the potential to be controversial, but it's my game, so it's my rules: I agree that #1 ALBUM and RADIO CITY are two very different albums, and many people who have posted lists so far have split them up, putting one, the other or both on their lists. But in cases where the Stax two-fer CD is listed, I've chosen to go the Solomonic route and, as the Mekons put it, chop that child in half. So if someone has the two-fer as their first choice, instead of that CD getting 20 points, each individual album gets 10. Those who feel that that particular CD in its current incarnation IS their number one choice: don't worry, both albums are placing high enough in the polls that you shouldn't feel your viewpoint is being misrepresented. S --------------------------------- Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.