On Thu, 17 Jan 2008, floatingunder wrote: > Tangent: Anyone see American Idol last night? Well, there was a guy who > has saved his fingernails in a plastic bag for the past 7 years. He > seemed to have no insight into this compulsion (or at least none he'd > admit to). He brought his baggie full of brown fingernails with him to > the show. Anyway, I'd say he may be crossing over the border. Reminds me of the passage in Gastronaut: Adventures in Food for the Romantic, the Foolhardy, and the Brave by Stefan Gates where he bakes, I believe, a muffin out of his own crushed fingernails, saved over a number of months. He said there was "a vague taste of fairy cake." The book is worth it for the section "A Personal Journey into Extreme Flatulence" alone.